By peanutface - 17/12/2010 13:20 - Canada

Today, not only did I miss my bus by seconds, I also saw the bus driver smirking as he drove past me in the middle of the Canadian winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 352
You deserved it 3 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epic_phail 0

this is why I don't take the bus

reaver24 0

what an ass, hope u didn't freeze too bad


It happened to me the exact same thing this morning, in canadian winter too!

it is Not yet Winter.... and its not Cold outside in canada today

dude, it's a big country; the weather is not always the same everywhere

Perhaps you could find out who this bus driver is and report him to the transportation authorities for unprofessional conduct?

before I say anything else, let me mention that I am also Canadian, but you do realize that winter only starts on the 21st right?

Im also Canadian, and winter isnt that cold. just saying.

oh, believe me, I've had that happen.

soldierinarms 0

lucky we got summer in Australia now lol.

you live in Canada! AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Fail.