By peanutface - 17/12/2010 13:20 - Canada

Today, not only did I miss my bus by seconds, I also saw the bus driver smirking as he drove past me in the middle of the Canadian winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 352
You deserved it 3 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epic_phail 0

this is why I don't take the bus

reaver24 0

what an ass, hope u didn't freeze too bad


omfg I hate the bus! I freeze my ass off waiting for that goddamn shit all the time. ur life Sux and so does mine -__-

How could you even see his face? Anyways, he probably wasn't smirking at you

Get over it.I live in Canada and I walk.

dude, I live in Edmonton, we probably have some of the worst winters in Canada, I feel your pain

forgotten_addict 1

who cares Canfield suck and so does Canada, eh

canadiens suck is what I ment to say, damn phone auto corrected

justbigbs 6

I know how you feel, over here there would be 20-30 min waiting before you see a bus. Other times there would be 2-3 buses back to back at the same F@#$@# stop. Trains here would occasion skip stops on the line I need to take which slows me down 20-30 mins to transfer back and I have to get two freaking trains to go to work. Thats why I got myself a car, worth every damn cent even if I had to take out a loan.

You must live in London Ontario. This city is run by the unions so no one is responseable for anything and stuff like that always happens... I feel your pain OP

aww that sucks... winter in Canada is the worst