By peanutface - 17/12/2010 13:20 - Canada

Today, not only did I miss my bus by seconds, I also saw the bus driver smirking as he drove past me in the middle of the Canadian winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 352
You deserved it 3 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epic_phail 0

this is why I don't take the bus

reaver24 0

what an ass, hope u didn't freeze too bad


this happens to me all the time :( I hate winter!

sexycountrygirl0 0

I would have thrown rocks! I live in Michigan and it's freezing here too. ive never taken a bus tho. I live in bfe haha

Some people seem to be confused here. Bus drivers have no obligation to hold up an entire bus full of people just because you are running late. If you want to get on a bus... be on time and be at the actual stop, not sitting on a bench 100 feet away. When the bus doors open - get on, don't wait until the bus is already loading to say goodbye to all your friends while expecting the driver to wait. I've taken transit for most of my life and the biggest problems with it are the idiots using it.

Where do you live that bus drivers have no obligation to wait 5 seconds for you? In my City, bus drivers are not only required to wait for anyone heading to the bus stop, but even pull over in the middle of the street (if need be) to pick up an elderly person

I think you have made the assumption that because some drivers do wait and go out of their way to assist the elderly that this is somehow an enforceable requirement. It isn't and in a lot of cases is actually a safety violation.

No, it's policy. Obviously it only applies to residential areas, and when its safe.

Just get back in your igloo and fornicate with your pet seal, eh?

You've used 'eh' in the wrong context. By Canadian law, you will be forced to drink beer until you die.

Stepherrss 0

Get use to it, Canadian bus drivers are assholes, ive experienced plenty of them.

mathman101 3

yeah! i hate those bus drivers ... there total douches! trust i been there man! FYL :(

this always happens to me -_- freaking NYC buses are crap and the drivers are assholes

"Accidentally " spill a hot coffee on him when you get on the bus next time. Karma works better with help.

sallen0046 4

Why would you expect the driver to wait for you? The drivers have schedules that they have to maintain and are disciplined if they're unable to do so. When I used to take the bus home from college on weekends, it was not uncommon to not only hear dispatchers screaming over the radio at the drivers when the bus was mere minutes behind schedule, but for the drivers to change monthly because the previous had been let go due to being unable to keep up with said schedule. It's not the driver's responsibility to make exceptions for you. In fact, in many cases it directly violates company policy to make any special allowances for any (would-be) passengers.