By Grindyloo - 05/05/2012 10:06

Today, my turtle, who had a little portion of the garden all to herself, died. My 5-year-old nephew wanted to "be like Mario" by jumping on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 404
You deserved it 2 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be like a flower and chuck fire at her

Actually, it didn't die. It escaped in time and left another turtle in its place, for it was a ninja. And a mutant. And a teenager.


imboredareyou 1

Alright guys. I have read this over and over and I'm still not sure. Did the nephew kill the turtle, or after it died he jumped on it? I would assume the former, but, I am not sure.

Today, my TURTLE, who had a little portion of the garden all to herself, died. My 5-year-old nephew wanted to “be like Mario” by jumping on her. FML Turtles are small, so it's most likely that the kid killed it.

I'm not entirely certain, but I believe the turtle was already dead.

How can this person deserve it? If anyone deserves something, it's the boy. An ass whooping he'll never forget.

poohappens26 0

Funny but sad for the poor turtle :( bust her ass :-) karma lil 5 yo karma!

Michael_92 20

At least he didn't find any of your secret mushrooms. Right? ...Right?

skyeyez9 24

A tortoise is probably one of the most docile and gentle creatures out there. It is akin to stomping on a duckling or kitten. Your nephew is a sadistic ********.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Well, this one left me pretty speechless... just... FYL. That's a horrible way for a turtle to go. ):

perdix 29

You ought to Donkey Kong Punch the little bâtard!

I'm sure his parents will come up with an appropriate punishment for him.

Considering the fact that he's 5 and still thought it would be ok to ground pound a small turtle, maybe OP should take matters into her own hands...