By Shianna - 28/05/2012 22:00 - United States - Holden

Today, my son was fired from his new job, which was going to support us since I recently lost mine. His excuse was, "Conflict of interest." He was a mascot for a fast-food restaurant and refused to dance around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 059
You deserved it 13 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were going to support your family off of your son's job?

It's terrible having to ask a child to get a job to support his parents. It's worse still asking him to do something humiliating like that. Try to have some understanding, and next time have him get a better job. Like a stripper.


Hey i know a job is a job, but that's kind of humiliating....

Get a job, you worthless P.O.S.! Don't you have any self respect? Quit depending on your son for money and get some welfare or some food stamps!

She just lost hers, so she may in fact be trying her hardest to find one. In the meantime, sonny boy refuses to dance for the family's food...

not an fml, more like a ydi with an added FU! your upset that your son doesnt want to humiliate himself to support his deadbeat parents? you even complain about it here trying to get sympathy as if hes the bad guy? i have a parent like you and i know how he feels so im going to end this with a very personal **** YOU.

bitter3ulogy 0
FelicityKing 3

What is wrong with you? who is the child and who is the parent? Its not your child's job to support your family! how about you grow up and get another job?

Crownsroyal11 1

Well look at it this way. The job is hiring you go dance like an idiot dressed as a giant lobster

Your son shouldnt have to support YOUR family, let alone where he has to humiliate himself in a chicken costume. YDI, get yourself a job.

You are his mother. Get a fkin job and let him do his, which should be studying to make something of himself in the future. Not working as a stupid mascot in a restaurant.

i dont know why, but i imagine the son in this case being 30 and this being his first job ever >:)

Regardless of the son's age, you're his parent. And unless YOU'RE well into your retirement age and/or medically incapable, your son shouldn't be supporting you. I sincerely hope you're actively searching for another job. Seriously, relying on a job where the person is dressed up as a mascot for a fast food restaurant? Go find some work yourself.