By Shianna - 28/05/2012 22:00 - United States - Holden

Today, my son was fired from his new job, which was going to support us since I recently lost mine. His excuse was, "Conflict of interest." He was a mascot for a fast-food restaurant and refused to dance around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 059
You deserved it 13 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were going to support your family off of your son's job?

It's terrible having to ask a child to get a job to support his parents. It's worse still asking him to do something humiliating like that. Try to have some understanding, and next time have him get a better job. Like a stripper.


It's weird enough you plan on supporting your family with your son's job... But the fact that he was a fast food mascot is much worse.

You're a mother YOU get a job.. Lazy much?

missamree 4

All of you people calling OP lazy and saying she's wrong for asking her son to support them, you can't judge the situation without completely knowing what's going on. Her son could be a 30 year old man who she was supporting up until the point of losing her job. Besides, if my mom lost her job, I'd be more than happy to help support her, because that's what family does, is help one another. Assholes.

notsofriendly 17

Getting angry at your chilld for not wanting to humiliate himself to pay for your unemployed ass. Right.

sounds like your a horrible mother and your lazy, no good, ass deserves to be homeless. you must be a democrat

YDI for expecting your child to support you simply because you lost your own job. get your shit together

A minimum wage job is not going to be able to support you two.

Or be a parent and get yourself a new job? He doesn't have to support just because you're too lazy

Ovenmitwearer 6

You and your son are clearly worthless. It's your fault for being an awful mother and person. You should genuinely feel terrible about how your son turned out. You've made being worthless contagious.