By areyoukiddingme - 02/11/2015 05:54 - United States - Marion

Today, my roommate blocked my phone number and won't speak to me. All because I mistakenly used her hand soap, thinking it was mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 057
You deserved it 2 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I find the blocking the number part the funniest part... If you live together, blocking the number won't stop you from talking to them.

thatonetribute 31

...that is a slight overreaction.


wordygirl 11

She has got to hate living in that skin! Hopefully your lease is up soon and you can get the hell out of there. She sounds hopeless!

That sounds really petty and childish

To be fair. I recently had my roommate thrown out for many reasons. All of which she thought were totally normal and okay, and some of which were illegal. It could be that you might've done more than what you think, but they could also be overreacting.

And let me guess she uses the SENSITIVE soap ??

That sounds like something I would've done to my roommate

Soaps not that expensive to replace, what is it made out of? Gold? Lol

Two problems exist here. One, you're roommates. Even if she's out a lot, blocking your phone number won't do much good seeing as you share a living space. Two, it's just soap, and if she's really so neurotic that she gives you the silent treatment over that, you need a new roommate.

How could they tell it was used to begin they weigh it?