By areyoukiddingme - 02/11/2015 05:54 - United States - Marion

Today, my roommate blocked my phone number and won't speak to me. All because I mistakenly used her hand soap, thinking it was mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 057
You deserved it 2 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I find the blocking the number part the funniest part... If you live together, blocking the number won't stop you from talking to them.

thatonetribute 31

...that is a slight overreaction.


I think you need to get better roommates cuz the one you have is psycho.

If you want her to forgive you, try buying her the exact same soap or her preferred brand. She'll probably appreciate it.

SamanthaaNicolee 18

You need to get out of there ASAP

I feel your pain. Once I had a housemate who threw a tantrum because I had the audacity to clean the bathroom and their wash-bag got slightly moved in the process. Luckily for both of us it was a short-term rent, but it's very frustrating living with someone who is so unused to living with other people.

I can understand her reaction if you frequently think her stuff is yours. The hand soap could have been the last straw.

At least she had a completely rational response to the situation

The roommate seems to be a bit of a drama queen. Don't let it get to you to much. Laugh it off because she seems to be a brat and you, as an adult have adult things to worry about. You apologized you acted as an adult and that's all you can do. She blocked your number but, yet shared a roof with you? Just make sure she doesn't block her half of the rent. Good luck OP. :)