By faded as shit - 27/09/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, my parents took away my laptop, TV, Xbox, and car all because I broke up with my girlfriend. They said when I patch things up with her, I can have my stuff back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 597
You deserved it 5 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently they like her more than you. That sucks.


Just tell them you caught her with some other guy's dick in her mouth. They'll be on your side then.


All of you shut up. It's all about the gaming PC. Practically every video game ever was made on the PC, and true gaming is done on them too. They are quite expensive... but so worth it!

Are you really that much of an ignorant dip shit?

I play on Steam all the time. There's also Minecraft.

Jammy01jams 2

You idiots forget all the bad shit that happened to the Xbox as long as it was more than half a years ago. How many Xboxs has my friends been through? That alone give PS3:8 Xbox:2 Yes my 3 best friends have been through 8 Xboxs total. All the hacking of the PSN could not make me pay for a console 3 times. I have two PS3's that both work fine, since the day they were released.

^extended warranty = free replacement.

BigRob247 0

And depends how good you take care of ur xbox/ps3. I play basically nonstop on my xbox and I had no problems for me. Got my xbox in '08 btw

MizzErikaHart 8

Just because PC gamers see themselves as "gaming gods" doesn't mean we don't notice they're all fat, anti-social dorks in reality. Probably why they spend so much time on the computer anyways... Play 360 like a real man.

360? No, I'd rather play the old Atari 2600. At least the graphics look better and the games are more fun...

^ obvious troll is obviously not getting laid.

Jazzalyn 10

You're right about that if he's underage - they can take the stuff. But it seems rather unreasonable to confiscate it just because he broke up with someone. In fact, it seems somewhat stupid I think.

mistersheezy 7

Someone thinks she's right for you.....

oh yeah like that expression really work!

Thank you #21. That would make this make some sort of sense. I need more information, OP!