By faded as shit - 27/09/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, my parents took away my laptop, TV, Xbox, and car all because I broke up with my girlfriend. They said when I patch things up with her, I can have my stuff back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 597
You deserved it 5 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently they like her more than you. That sucks.


Just tell them you caught her with some other guy's dick in her mouth. They'll be on your side then.


No because then why would they take the car away too?

justbigbs 6

sounds like a complete package deal : )

Darklord53 0

Dude, go get your shit back. Smack your mom, knock your dad out, and tell them she was a ***** and you hate her.

Tell em your gay...that will patch things up!

And if she dust wanna get back together?

thejedi08 10

what are you waiting for? get back with her!!!

You are in negotiations. Ask them to chuck in some cash and a holiday and they've got a deal.