By faded as shit - 27/09/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, my parents took away my laptop, TV, Xbox, and car all because I broke up with my girlfriend. They said when I patch things up with her, I can have my stuff back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 597
You deserved it 5 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently they like her more than you. That sucks.


Just tell them you caught her with some other guy's dick in her mouth. They'll be on your side then.


Not really, this is a pretty ordinary FML. I've read worse and you must have too, the one before this FML deserves a wtF

SpruceDread4578 13

35 you're really stupid. Nothing here indicates he is spoiled. Shit he might even have a job.

I kno how u feel man i wz once kicked out 4 breaking up w my gf lmao

You didnt live with her parents @ the time, did you? Because then that would make sense. Guess it depends on why you broke up with her....

theten_fml 9

47 knows that. Damn I don't even know what to say, that's messed up. He's right, be a man and stand up for yourself or get yourself a boyfriend with a car, tv, and xbox.

SpruceDread4578 13

Well...I guess people are a bit too deluded on all sides. Know the specs, and you'll see none are the same. At all.

mysterious_chan 7

16 In most states 15 in some for learners permit almost all u can be fully licencened before ur 18

CharlieeMurphy 0

Xbox failed plentyyyyyy of times. Red ring of death on say 90% of them

I strongly agree I've had my ps3 since 2006 and it still works perfectly fine. And it's free to play online

BellaBelle_fml 23