By kat9232000 - 19/06/2009 04:04 - Canada

Today, my older brother told me that no matter how fast you run at automatic sliding doors, they'll open in time. So I ran at a pair. They don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 820
You deserved it 110 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Older brothers will say anything to make you look like an idiot, and you can't move faster then the machine can do it's job. I can't believe you believed him.


xlifexsucksx 0

y u would u even try that????lmao

brumfielddd5 0

hahahhhh oh my god you're retarded for believing that (: YDI for suure.

wrestling49 0

******* canadians....YDI ******* moron

Better than Americans. That's all I gotta say.

hahahhahaha! dont worry ive ran into a screen door before. it happens.

Was it an automatic screen door? xD Bet YOU didn't expect it to open for you...

Alberta is the Canadian equivalent of Texas.

**** you, I live in Alberta. (FYI, we're not western at all, unless you count Calgary Stampede which is like a week or two per year). Yeah.

YDI. Sometimes they're slow and they stick. How long have you been on planet Earth anyway? Not long, I am guessing.

poguemahoney 0

holy shit, you actually fell for that one? wow