By kat9232000 - 19/06/2009 04:04 - Canada

Today, my older brother told me that no matter how fast you run at automatic sliding doors, they'll open in time. So I ran at a pair. They don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 820
You deserved it 110 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Older brothers will say anything to make you look like an idiot, and you can't move faster then the machine can do it's job. I can't believe you believed him.


fml1358 0

What the heck were you trying to prove and why would you even want to prove anything like that. That is soooooo stupid to even bother trying to do that. Older brothers are never really the most trustworthy people when it comes to stuff like that. Most older brothers try to get their younger brothers/sisters to do stuff just like what you did

Bubs_fml 0

Yeah. #57. because Obama hasn't gotten everything completely sorted out in his first few months as president, he is a failure? The kind of people who say stuff like that are the same people who voted for Bush.

fuck_YOUR_lives 0

HE SAID HE WOULD MORON! i bet your retarded liberal ass voted for him. oh yea, being a vegan makes your brain decompose. dead serious. have fun being a vegetable (pun intended).

Icalasari 0

Which city do you live in? Because if it was my city, then FML for not being at Towerlane Mall when that happened!

LOL!! That was an epic fail, but thanks for the laughs.

xiloveyoux3 0

Wow, i know that would never work because even when i'm walking slowly, the automatic doors still take time to open.

Ouch, fyl. Thanks for the laugh though :) The newer ones are quick... but not THAT quick... or smart. At a marc's near my house, I have to stand on the pad (they're really old automatic doors) for five seconds before the first of the two opens...

Haha, made me laugh.. Can't believe you didn't realized that it was time to stop, before you hit the doors :b - But, congratulations on disprooving your brother! (see the glass half full, you know)

mehwhateverr 0

Haha, I'd probably try that too. FYL.