By Arthur - 07/05/2014 19:16 - United States

Today, my neighbor scolded me for "allowing" her son to be bitten by one of my dogs. This would be reasonable, except for the fact that her kid had jumped my fence and tried to steal a rattle out of my daughter's hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 314
You deserved it 3 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You ought to be happy it ended at that. I know it would be really unfair, and of course I don't believe it should have happened, but she could have easily sued you and gotten your dog put down.

What I do not understand is why you would take a scolding in this matter. I for one would be sure to stand up for myself and my dog and make sure that neighbor and I are even on the same page to confirm if the little shit lied to the neighbor as well. If not, obviously you are not in the wrong. FYL OP

good dog! at least you know you and your daughter are safe!

mikaellikestacos 14

I'm going to train my dogs to be the sweetest things ever but I've I make the call they turn In to unrelenting killers who will do anything to protect the family

My friend had a beautiful Spuds MacKenzie looking dog. Her uncle had stolen it after it kept being used in fights. For years she had no issues with the dog. Till some loser who was robbing houses decided to rob hers with her in it. To give the dog credit he didn't attack the guy right away he let him start prying off a screen before attacking. Being used to fights this idiot was lucky the dog just held him down by the throat till cops arrived. The intruder wasn't hurt to bad, but sadly the city of Santa Ana decided the dog was to "dangerous" and had to be put down. This is not the first time I have heard of dogs that faced being put down for protecting their families. If I was the OP I would see about planting some thorn bushes by her neighbors side of the fence. Preferably potted ones that can be moved when the little one starts getting into mischief.

Your neighbor and her son are dumbasses.

skittyskatbrat 19

Yes, because that's the exact sort of bitch that reports a "vicious dog attack" and tries to get their dog put down. At a minimum, stuck in the pound for ten days for observation. A police report is a must, IMHO, because she's crazy nuts and nasty. It may never be needed, but if the kid tries it again and she claims the dog was in HER yard, well, there's a record throwing serious doubt on that story!

what a dumb mom for taking her kids side. you should have let your dog bite her ass too, that's what I would have done .

Well your daughter is very safe. What a stupid neighbor you have. If the kid trys that again I'd call the police