By zcollins - 10/09/2013 15:52 - United States - Pleasanton

Today, my mother informed me that we are no longer taking my graduation trip to New York. Instead, she and her group of continuously drunk friends are going to Vegas because, "We could win the jackpot and take you on an even bigger trip to New York!" She's never won anything in her whole life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 349
You deserved it 3 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moonsalt 20

Hopefully she'll forget this idea when she sobers up. I mean, I hope she's drunk. This is not a rational idea.

There's always a first time! Look on the bright side...


don't invite her to your graduation. tell her that her trip of lewd debauchery was more important to her than your happiness and since she has showed where her priorities lie you'll find someone to really support you when you walk across stage.

Theoretically, the fact that shes never won anything in her life increases her chances of winning in the future.

Just like in roulette, past performance does not dictate future performance. Just because the wheel has landed on black 60 times in a row does not mean it has less of a chance to land on black next time. Her never having won doesn't increase or decrease her chances of winning.

chloem103 9

I think it's horrible your mom would do that honestly. I hope she wins big. And if she wins big I hope she's follows through with that plan and doesn't try to gamble it again for more.

ColbyGB 13

What a smart idea, money well spent on her friends rather her daughter!!

Sorry to say op but chances are she's not going to win because the reason they have casinos is that people lose more than win

olpally 32

I hope she loses everything in Vegas then. What a selfish thing to do.

Srry op. Try and explain to her tho is your moment not her's

bobo_the_bear 5

Who gets a trip for graduation? All I got was a calculator. Guess you will have to work hard at your job, save money and pay for your own trip to NY. That does suck if she went back on her word.