By Sadman - 23/04/2011 08:37 - Canada

Today, my mother and girlfriend were joking around and talking about the embarrassing things I've done. After they'd had a lengthy conversation, my girlfriend mentioned, "And he always farts during sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 208
You deserved it 10 814

Same thing different taste


i don't think the guy is farting... she assumed so but in fact it was ball slapping...

i once had a girlfriend that would let one go every once and a while. almost broke me from doggystyle.

BamBarBiYaKergud 2

stick the cork in to your asshole before having sex. loooool

sometimes with all the moving and shaking up.... i've never done that but i've struggled pretty hard to keep them in. especially if it's right after dinner and everything is still moving around....

chelbig695_fml 0
missbadluk 0

Um wow. That's when you dig up something humiliating about her and voice it out loud. I'm sure she'd get the hint when she feels the embarrassment herself. Some people don't care about other people getting embarassed until they get embarrassed themselves. Bitch.