By roundtherose - 13/10/2013 01:59 - United States - Anchorage

Today, my mom made fun of me because I'm 16 and have never had a boyfriend, then bragged that at my age she was already pregnant with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 672
You deserved it 3 658

roundtherose tells us more.

Thank you everyone for then encouraging words and sympathy for me. I would like to say my mom is one of the greatest people in my life and is very intelligent. She had been dating my dad for 2 years before and they got married and they are still married. She is certainly not a dead-beat mom. I think she was just being spiteful when that happened. She apologized later. She taught me that what she did is not what I want to do in my life. Sure what she said got me down, but outside dating I have a great life!

Top comments

Jokes on her being on MTV ain't an accomplishment

onealmxwilson 18

Just tell her at least you're not a hoe like she was.


Maybe you should brag about being able to still be a child at 16 instead of a parent. Enjoy being young, you're doing a better job at it than your mom did.

Couldn't add it up yourself? Your mum must be 33 give or take...

... and you don't know who your father is and neither does she. Is she still bragging now?

iGottaFindBubbah 12

Your mom's an idiot, I'm glad you're one of the few that knows better.

Don't worry. I turn 17 next month and I've never had my first girlfriend. Much less a first kiss. There is plenty of time to worry about that later on in life.

graphicstyle7 17

Stay in school. Get a good job. Then, when you are your mom's age and doing well, remind her that you've achieved so much more than she did by that age (I'm assuming here, but usually ladies who get pregnant at 16 don't do so well in the world.)

You should feel proud that you have enough foresight an decency NOT to open your legs and pop out babies when you are only really a young adult, yourself. I didn't have my first child until I was 22. My partner and I had a stable income (still do), our own home and car before we even discussed children. I know that it doesn't work out that way for everyone but at the same time there are too many young people out there that don't get it that there is a chance you could get pregnant EVERY time you have sex. Sure, it may not happen EVERY time... But there is still a chance and having a child is probably the biggest responsibility of your life and it's for the rest of your life. Trust me. I have two lol Don't listen to your mum OP. Stick to your priorities, and tell the rest to piss off. :)

KoveGames 5

One thing wrong with this.. 22 is still very young...

MzZombicidal 36

Having a kid at 22 and with a stable income is still better than having one at 16 and very little life experience.

Glad you can see that what shes bragging about is nothing to be proud of. Good for you :)

That isn't a good thing to brag about unless she's a *****.