By roundtherose - 13/10/2013 01:59 - United States - Anchorage

Today, my mom made fun of me because I'm 16 and have never had a boyfriend, then bragged that at my age she was already pregnant with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 672
You deserved it 3 658

roundtherose tells us more.

Thank you everyone for then encouraging words and sympathy for me. I would like to say my mom is one of the greatest people in my life and is very intelligent. She had been dating my dad for 2 years before and they got married and they are still married. She is certainly not a dead-beat mom. I think she was just being spiteful when that happened. She apologized later. She taught me that what she did is not what I want to do in my life. Sure what she said got me down, but outside dating I have a great life!

Top comments

Jokes on her being on MTV ain't an accomplishment

onealmxwilson 18

Just tell her at least you're not a hoe like she was.


I'm 21 and never had a boyfriend. It's not all bad. I went on my first ever date last week! :P Certainly better than having a child at 16. I think even now would be WAY too early to have a kid! I'd want to live a little first.

I'm 29 and still think people my age are too young to be having kids. 21 is a great age to be hassle-free. Live it up!

The older you get the harder having a baby is on the mother and child.

Physically, maybe. Financially, almost certainly not. Not that it matters... I don't want kids, so I'm not putting myself through the hell known as pregnancy.

When I hear that, I am worried about how "mature" she was16 years earlier...

wysegirl 24

Just keep it up and don't fall into the pattern. You should be very proud of yourself for not ruining your life I never could figure out why girls would be so stupid to chance pregnancy while under 18.

Huh, I may expect that behaviour from someone older but not a 32-year-old.

I wonder if your mom is married to the man that made her pregnant? You should grow up with morals and standards. It is not a badge of honor to have been pregnant at 16.

It could be worse... You could of had an older sibling :/

Sounds like your mom is a dumbass **** that doesn't understand birth control. You're better off than she is, just be happy as yourself and don't change for anyone.

Sorry, but your mom is an idiot. (Just tell her that you're going to enjoy being free and single throughout your teens and twenties, unlike her....)

Pfft, my sister is 21 and still hasn't had a boyfriend...

There's nothing wrong with that. I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 25

KoveGames 5

That's how it's supposed to be