By roundtherose - 13/10/2013 01:59 - United States - Anchorage

Today, my mom made fun of me because I'm 16 and have never had a boyfriend, then bragged that at my age she was already pregnant with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 672
You deserved it 3 658

roundtherose tells us more.

Thank you everyone for then encouraging words and sympathy for me. I would like to say my mom is one of the greatest people in my life and is very intelligent. She had been dating my dad for 2 years before and they got married and they are still married. She is certainly not a dead-beat mom. I think she was just being spiteful when that happened. She apologized later. She taught me that what she did is not what I want to do in my life. Sure what she said got me down, but outside dating I have a great life!

Top comments

Jokes on her being on MTV ain't an accomplishment

onealmxwilson 18

Just tell her at least you're not a hoe like she was.


I know how you feel. My mom always pulls the " When I was your age I was married, and had you." She usually only throws that out there when we are arguing over me wanting to go do something.

I feel sad for her. That's not something to be proud of.

cheshireau 26

You want to follow in her foot steps?

In all reality, I think she's jealous of you because you didn't turn out a hoe like her.

that's nothing!, when I was 16 I already impregnated 3 girls.

martin8337 35

OP, you are doing the right thing by not having babies. Enjoy your teens and twenties. Wait until you are resdy before you have kids, even if it means you have your first one at age 30.

KoveGames 5

S-l-u-t. 16 is the age you should start dating, you won't be single for long.

doglover100 28

Ask her if she really wants to be a grandmother in her 30s.

When she gave birth to you she lost her maturity.