By XxOx - 04/02/2010 01:18 - France

Today, my mom is going with me for a general check-up at the doctor's office. She just told me she had a nightmare last night that she went to the doctor with me, and he told her I'm pregnant. I am pregnant. I was about to tell her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 666
You deserved it 7 707

Same thing different taste


Asstazztic 8

That's insane.. She already knew, moms have like a ****** sixth sense forthis shit

they really do's freaky. my mom knew before I told her.. I called to let her know, and she told me before I even began telling her.'s like she's spying on me 

twirlingqueen4u 0

woahhh woahhh freaky Fridays moms do have a sixth sense

Radi0Waves 0

Look on the bright side -- your mom has precognative abilities. Maybe you two could solve crimes together.

"Who waits for marriage?" Why, my fiancé and I have. Granted, it's only partly because of morals and partly due to the knowledge that every non-virgin female in my family has concieved while on birth control, my mother while on birth control, using a condom, and spermacide.

emmmilyyy 0

pull out? no but seriously ur fam is ridiculously fertile. I'd lol if u turned out to be sterile. don't u worry about sexual compatibility??

See, I don't want to ever get married. Don't come near me with marriage, I don't want to hear about marriage, I want nothing to do with marriage. So if I were to wait until marriage, I would never have sex! Otherwise, waiting isn't a bad idea. I just think it's quite pathetic to say "no sex until marriage" rather than "no sex until I'm with the person I know I love."

guckylynn 19

Psh... "control over your own body" has absolutely nothing to do with not having sex.

snickdoodles just lived up to her name. You only have one life why not have sex? Enjoy the pleasures of life don't waste it.

kelleyb323 0

really? a condom, birth control, and spermacide? or is that just what your mommy told you to scare you out of having sex? guess it worked.

If you're out on your own meh, if you live at home and you are 15 I'd say you're effed.

if you can't support yourself yet, don't have a baby only to make your mother take care of it in HER house for you. YDI

expen_dable 0

How do you know that the OP lives with her mom? Just because they went to the doctors together doesn't mean they live together. Don't you ever have people accompany you places? I guess not, you probably have no friends.

yeah.. I don't live with my mom ..but she comes with me to the doctors occasionally.

lilbyrd43 0

damn...alot of people in France got problems..Ima have to erase that country from my top 5 places to visit. mothers always have that "pregnancy" instinct tho

I forwarded this FML to your mom. You're welcome.

emmmilyyy 0

ur just saying that bc ur a Ginger and no one will **** you.

kaybbyx3 0

mother always knows best, they have that freaky intuition thing going on haha

The lesson here children: KEEP YOUR DAMN LEGS CLOSED! To avoid seeing Maury and looking like a **** on national television

NO, the lesson here is: USE A CONDOM! And how do you know this is an unwanted preagnancy?? Jez -.-