By Anonymous - 12/02/2014 17:26 - United States - Louisville

Today, my in-laws kept mocking me for being "too clean" because I take a shower every day. They think I'm weird and kept saying things like "Be careful when you hug your daughter, she might squeak!" and calling me names like "water-wasting bitch." They haven't stopped all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 228
You deserved it 4 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TGKat 13

I think your in-laws have yet to escape medieval times and come to the present, OP. FYL

XBurytheCastleX 25

For a present, give them some body sprays and deodorant. Let them know they need it. Revenge


They're just jealous because you always smell better then they di

Hypnotic5206 10

shed would really hate me then lol

Stop wasting water water, ya water-wasting-bitch

They sound verbally abusive - you shouldn't have to put up with that. And you are not "too clean" or anything either. Just don't spend too long in the shower and be careful if you feel like you have to clean yourself to an extent of rubbing skin raw or it takes loads of time as that could be an indication of OCD. It sounds like your inlaws are acting like jerks

I think people should shower everyday. Especially women to get rid of that fish smell

guys take showers every day, girls don't. it's an unspoken law

People who don't bathe everyday are ******* weird

squideth 18

News flash, not everyone needs to. It doesn't make them "******* weird", you judgmental child.

natalies0drizzy 3

"Water-wasting bitch"..**** them lol rude as hell

Tell them to go **** themselves. I have no idea how anyone tolerates stupid shit from people.