By Anonymous - 12/02/2014 17:26 - United States - Louisville

Today, my in-laws kept mocking me for being "too clean" because I take a shower every day. They think I'm weird and kept saying things like "Be careful when you hug your daughter, she might squeak!" and calling me names like "water-wasting bitch." They haven't stopped all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 228
You deserved it 4 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TGKat 13

I think your in-laws have yet to escape medieval times and come to the present, OP. FYL

XBurytheCastleX 25

For a present, give them some body sprays and deodorant. Let them know they need it. Revenge


weird, is taking a shower everyday irregular? O_o I've had twice thus far

nachosbabygurl 9

how often do they shower once a.year to save water

z0mBi3kiTTy 18

suggest to them that you shower with your significant other! you save water that way ;)

Technically speaking, showering everyday isn't good for you; it strips your skin of essential oils and dries the hell out of it. As long as you wash your groin area every day, showering once or twice a week is much better for you. That said...most people who shower every day to have an adjustment period. You've trained your body to make tons and tons of oils, so when you stop showering so often those oils build up fast. It takes a few days, but your body will readjust.

Tell them to get the f out of your house cause in all fairness being hygienic is a good thing hell because my house doesn't have heat I only get to bathe like once a week for the months of winter since I live in Louisiana

@116 Eww, that's sounds like it must be horrible, I'm so sorry. :(

there is nothing wrong with been clean