By soontobewidow - 28/03/2015 09:20 - Turkey - Istanbul

Today, my husband was involved in a horrible series of accidents; he repeatedly slipped and fell into my best friend's vagina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 458
You deserved it 3 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nevracceptdefeat 26

Dont you hate it when that happens


He *accidentally* repeatedly ran into my knife.

Jack_Me_Off_Jerk 5

Oops, you know what they say, accidents will happen. Wonder whats going to be the next accident he'll be having? With a little assistance from OP.

BlackFire4890 16

least you have somewhat of a sense of humor about it?.......

kaseycat 18

The username is my favorite.

SydLovesLacey 18

That shit seems to happen a lot.

Why is it always the best friend? I mean I'm honestly curious why that is.

I think you're a bit harsh saying it's pretty much OP's fault, #119. I think it's more the fact that the best friend is often around to see OP, so they often see each other.