By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 15:15 - United States

Today, my husband and I were looking for a new house. The open house we were in had a strange floral scent to entice the buyers. I am three months pregnant and have horrible morning sickness. I threw up all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 244
You deserved it 4 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can understand some other stuff, but how the hell did they deserve this?

Socrates_fml 0


simplewhimsy 0

Awwh, I hope your pregnancy goes well and you have a healthy baby! Embarrassing, but you'll laugh about it after the baby is born. :)

Oh no, you poor thing! I hope you got to feeling better!

just be glad you are pregnant and you can afford a new house you ungrateful mother-to-be

I can't believe anyone's saying she shouldn't have to repay for the carpet or even clean it up. Common decency says that if you go into someone's house, regardless of the reason, and you mess it up in any way regardless of the reason, you clean it up. The owner didn't drag her kicking and screaming into the living room and shove potpourri under her nose until she puked, she came in under her own will.

TryToBeKind 0

Oh no! You definitely did not deserve that, no one did. It was just bad luck or something. My son tried to climb on the counter of a house I was looking at b/c he liked the fake stained glass on the kitchen cabinets. (The house was awesome old-school 70s stuff - lots of yellows and olive greens with one of those lamps with the decorative glass stuff hanging from the ceiling, orange shag rug etc.)

horse_girl 0

You deserve it! You should definately have been able to make it to the bathroom.. I hate when people dont! Honestly, even when i was pregnant, I NEVER puked anywhere except in containers and the toilet.. Puking in someones house is just rude and since you did i hope you cleaned it all up

yeah, the two times I've puked during this pregnancy so far had NOOOOO warning. It was me thinking "oh I need to puke" and I was already puking... Some people just get hit with it. Every pregnancy is different

okay some of you are saying that its her fault because she put herself in that situation.... how the **** did she put hereself in that situation..they are looking for a house so the normal thing to do is to go look at a house before you buy it... is she not suppose to go out for the next 6 months?? anyways... im sorry im pretty sure that was embarrassing.. but good luck with your pregnancy!! =D

Usually, people that feel sick plan their timetable. If you have terrible sickness you should stay at home.

I'm guessing they were looking for a new house because the one they had was too small to live in with a baby/child. It's not like she could wait much longer.

Ian20 6

That's alright OP, in 6 months youll have a baby :)