By J-Ro - 04/03/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, my guy, who is a PhD candidate, informed me that it is his goal in life to own every Will Ferrell movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 505
You deserved it 12 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's amazing how many FMLs here could easily be avoided if their OPs just had a sense of humour.

skeleton_skinner 0


this isn't even worthy of being on fml. FU for putting it there.

purplemnm 9

oh my gawd applesmoothie..idk if your acting retarded on purpose but either way if you don't shut up or smart up then Sirin is gonna ban-hammer you

so what? the only reason this is an fml moment is cuz you just share with the world how much of a lame ass you are.

PaulInTheSky_fml 0

I'm not a fan of Will, but this isn't an FML.

KittehSayzRAWR 0
perfectnothing 0

WTF can us guys say... Will Ferrell is awesome

klaark 0

I agree, your life is a living hell. My GF is obsessed with that freak and I'm considering having her committed to a state facility.

Just what the hell do his PhD and his desires have to necessarily do with each other? And just how the hell does this make an FML anyway? Would you do us a favor and take your non-sequitur bullcrap elsewhere?

HippL 0

You say it like it's a bad thing

rockerwolf69 0