By nipman - 25/04/2011 19:12 - United States

Today, my grandpa who is staying with us mistook me for a Japanese soldier and started to hit me with a bat. This is the second night in a row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 200
You deserved it 3 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments


The people on this thread who are asking if Boners Is serious need help. I mean, honestly, it's boners. Is he ever serious? However, I thought his comment was clever. **** you bitches who can't take humor.

ehh it's normal, be glad he didn't keep his gun like many vets did

Enzogeorge 0

HAHA! Did you say hi to him in Japanese?

nicoleanddrake 0

well, that says something, donnit?

eskimocallboy 0

way to copy drake and josh!

Sargasm 4

You're turning Japanese He thinks you're turning Japanese He really thinks so Turning Japanese He thinks you're turning Japanese He really thinks so

grimdeath 3

I'm surprised he didn't have a heart attack

When he's asleep yell "KAMIKAZE" then see what he does