By nipman - 25/04/2011 19:12 - United States

Today, my grandpa who is staying with us mistook me for a Japanese soldier and started to hit me with a bat. This is the second night in a row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 200
You deserved it 3 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments


greenorange75 8

Just be lucky he didn't pelt you with an atomic bomb.

lolwutguy 0

am I the only one who gets this?

BooGhosted 0

Nah I get it about50% of people do heh!:)

Are you guys that think boners are serious are you guys ******* retarded haha

Krajjan 9

No, but welcome to the list of people that think before they comment on FML. You're number 10.

sunshine_today23 0

this is actually sort of sad, poor grandpa. this is PTSD, and its hell to live with. mention this to his doc, even if grandpa says he's fine or refuses help. soldiers from his day didn't get the mental aftercare they needed like our soldiers get today. please help Grandpa :(

ceinaworus 0