By Pip - 23/02/2010 21:13 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she said her husband was going to divorce her for seeing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 895
You deserved it 6 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTF? God people have no morals these days.

BelaLugosisdead 0

Um dump her ass. She should have been honest with you.


AouraV 0

okay so next time you date someone the first question you should ask is "are you involved with anyone besides me?" Tell her think about it as if people aren't gonna call her a **** to her face anymore just behind her back because a relationship is 1-on-1 NOT 1-on-2 or any other number.... unless your single then it can be ****-on-1 or 1-on-hand :) oh you should get checked cause if she's banging you on the side who else is she banging?

fixxxer_fml 0

Hahahaha, YDI.. Do your ******* research man! Where did you go wrong? Learn from it!

ydi for dating a girl too dumb to realize that maybe saying that to you is a bad idea.

This could have been a Mentos commercial! eat a Mentos, comfort her while taking off her clothes, and then bang her! (oh and smile for the camera while you're showing your roll of mentos)

Look at it this way: Now you 2 can get married! :D

yourfarewell 1

And you didn't expect this to happen, why?

Ultimate_Cynic 0

That's what I'm wondering. Always, always, ALWAYS expect some form of deceit from a woman. If you're lucky it'll only be something small and inconsequential. Bitch just wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

sorry to hear honey, but I haveeven worse newa