By Pip - 23/02/2010 21:13 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she said her husband was going to divorce her for seeing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 895
You deserved it 6 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTF? God people have no morals these days.

BelaLugosisdead 0

Um dump her ass. She should have been honest with you.


jamjenni2774 0

If she cheats on her husband, she will at some point cheat on you!!

ImCool7 0

you totally deserve it........i assume u mean ur girlfriend as in your friend thats a girl......not someone your sexually attracted to: therefore ydi because u wer bangin ur friends husband, now shes getting a divorce and crying because of your selfish actions

boatkicker 4

Translation? Maybe I'm just being stupid because I'm quite tired, but I can't make any sense of that.... :(

I know French fries, French kisses, French bread, French kisses, French dressing, French maids, and a few French guys. Close enough?

paper_tigers 0

ya bang her guts in and leave her...

MermaidSongXOXO 6

This is what you do: Shoot her, rape her corpse, burn her remains, throw the ashes in a lake, and have gay buttsecks with her husband.

paper_tigers 0

That's pretty awesome IMO. Did u tell her you know you're better than her husband anyways?

How come the reply numbers are not in order?

paper_tigers 0

dunno comments are being erased or just disappearing would be my guess

That's ****** up! I'm guessing you didn't know that your gf was married, OP. If that is the case, FYL. The way I see it, you got 2 choices: A) you can walk (no, RUN!) from all of the ensuing drama and leave the bitch to her own devices, or B) come clean with her husband and hope that he doesn't dropkick you for sticking your penis inside his wife.