By shmarf - 20/06/2015 06:00 - United States - Belton

Today, my girlfriend gave me my first ever blowjob and she surprised me by deciding to swallow. Or so I thought. When she came up to kiss me, she spat my man-milk into my mouth and almost pissed herself laughing when I freaked out and nearly threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 803
You deserved it 19 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sounds like you got a taste of your own medicine... litterally...

LMFAOOO I would be in so much trouble for that!

I need more details before I decide whom to support. 1. Did they agree before hand that he would cum in her mouth? 2. Did she tell him to let her know before he came and he didn't? Even if she did swallow, she would have some remnant of cum in her mout so he would have got some anyways from a kiss

This is actually romantic,you know,in a bad way!

OH MY GOD. You can't make this shit up! Sorry dude, too funny.

I would say spitters are quitters but I mean she obviously didn't quit there. Okay I'm ready for the downpours guys so take your best shot!(s?)

Did you just cum in her mouth with no warning? Did you ask her what she preferred or give her a chance to pull off or spit? If she didn't want it in her mouth and you surprised her I could see why she shared. Communicate about what you're not okay with but honestly its your own fluid and while mentally it might seem disgusting its not going to kill you. If she spit someone ele's cum in your mouth Id understand the freak out.

Hey, she was just sharing that salty goodness. Seriously though, dude, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander - literally in this case.

phoenix3423 14

a girl does stupid shit like that for attention. a Woman knows your not OK with that and won't do that to you. why are you going to put in the work to make him happy if your just gonna try to make him puke in the end?