By Anonymous - 17/09/2011 08:17 - South Africa

Today, my girlfriend gave me a speech on me "not being manly enough". I started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 355
You deserved it 51 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend seems like a bitch. Tell her to go find a sweaty lumberjack, then go find a girl who actually respects you. >:T

LanaToTheTA 13


asterik99 3

Screw her dude. She'll probably end up with some asshole who treats her like shit and regret the hell out of it. Remember some women love that sensitive and compassionate type, find one of them.

missy232 0
tigermilz 1

GROW SOME ******* BALLS !!!!!

ZielZone 4

Wuss bag... Nice to show the world you don't have a set of balls, and your girlfriend likes dating *******...

fryebaby666 0

She is a bitch for being insensitive!

Have you considered that you might have a hormone imbalance? Maybe you should go to a doctor.

AzKoldAzICE 3

Betta man up and smack a bitch

What to do is become more Manly rather than make your girlfriend fell like a lesbian for dating a girl.