By Anonymous - 17/09/2011 08:17 - South Africa

Today, my girlfriend gave me a speech on me "not being manly enough". I started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 355
You deserved it 51 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend seems like a bitch. Tell her to go find a sweaty lumberjack, then go find a girl who actually respects you. >:T

LanaToTheTA 13


Doesn't your girl already have a p*ssy? Why does she need you?

Dude! If you are crying over stupid stuff Thats a turn off. We want our men to be stronger than ourselves. For me at least seeing a grown man cry over stupid stuff like you are makes me see him as weaker than myself. U deserved it. Don't cry about this post please

Sounds like your girlfriend needs to 'woman up' and not be such a bitch.

cuddlebunny3548 11

It's not your fault you started crying, guys have feelings too. Your girlfriend sounds like a major bitch.

BrunoEscro 0

Ha awe (x you sound like a little bitch awe ahah at least she hasn't left yet

ArielTheMermaid 17

There was a previous FML like this but from the girls point of view. Hers was in Virginia though.....