By Anonymous - 19/02/2010 20:27 - United States

Today, my friends told me, "Don't worry about your bad acne. It kind of looks like the pattern the avatars have on their heads." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 421
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your friends seem to be broken, better go buy some new ones


FYL for having acne. **** your friends for going to see such a shit ******* movie and even worse being lame enough to refer to it. You're friends are losers; get new ones and quickly. before they make you play some D&D like fags and shit.

damnrosi 0

eat healthy (lots of veggies), take a multi vitamin,omega 3-6-9, and vit. B12 (for that healthy glow), go to the gym (but take off any make up first, then wash your face after), wash your face with a normal cleanser first (non foaming, like noxzema, even if it does smell weird), then with a cleanser with salicylic acid (make sure you rub it in well and wash it off entirely), use a acne spot treatment with benyzol peroxide, and use a night cream and day cream (or else you overproduce oil), and always pull your hair back off your face at night when you sleep and wash your pillow cases every week (use two on the same pillow). if this doesn't help you, then your acne is pretty severe. go see a dermatologist and they can help/

Tyler_is_sexy 0

Get proactive. It works. For me and my mom! I SPEAK THE TRUTH! once I had a large zit on my chin, I used proactive and BANG! next day zit was half it's size!

Moonstarmist 0

It doesn't work for everyone. Most everyone I know who used Proactive doesn't like it because it didn't work. The OP should definitely do something to help her acne, though.

levedelente 3

Please tell me you were referring to the avatars from Avatar: The Last Airbender! And, if you were, that's just cool, in the shape of an arrow!

Um "avatars" did not have bumps on their faces.