By Anonymous - 19/02/2010 20:27 - United States

Today, my friends told me, "Don't worry about your bad acne. It kind of looks like the pattern the avatars have on their heads." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 421
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your friends seem to be broken, better go buy some new ones


u should be proud bout it then!!! if my friends said tht I start laughing uncontrollably

notwierdgifted 0

avatars are badass why wouldn't u want to become one?

I never even wanted to see that movie. People were like, "Oh come on! You have to see it for the graphics!" Hello? Do you even effing know me? I like star wars..(The originals) Clearly I don't give a damn about stupid graphics. Plus I don't really like computer type stuff with humans in a movie. Not my thing. Never will be. But I'm sorry. Your friends are dumb. They seriously need a life. You need better friends kid.

Go on a course of a drug called roacutane. There are a lot of side effects but they are all perfectly manageable and IT WORKS! I'm just finishing my treatment and I can't express how it has helped me to salvage my sense of well-being. Your face is very important, you must not hesitate to act and sort it out. I really regret not doing it sooner. I really recommend it.

GET ROACUTANE! You have to go to the dermatologist for it but it's so worth it. None of those over the counter creams, they're shit.

KiDtastrophy28 0

im 16 . never had a even a bit of acne ! sucks for yu /: but YDI for not usinq ProActive biatchhh!!!!!!

Link5794 18

If they were referreing to Avatar: TLA, then it would be airbenders

if your gonna post about something at least get it the **** right! it's na'vi, can you say it with me? let's try it ok ready? and...go: na'vi. oh I'm so proud of you for getting it!!!!! but anyway...go to ******* hell you dumb bitch!!!

OMG LOLX LMFAO HAHAHA You should try Proactive(:

Sunshine2798 6

OMG LOLX LMFAO HAHAHA That shit doesn't work(:

ha! fail only airbenders have the pattern on their forehead being the avatar means nothing lol