By Anonymous - 19/02/2010 20:27 - United States

Today, my friends told me, "Don't worry about your bad acne. It kind of looks like the pattern the avatars have on their heads." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 421
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your friends seem to be broken, better go buy some new ones


Pearljammer001 0

ok comment Nazis just because proactive didn't work for you it doesn't mean you can't do anything else. for example there are other types of acne cream. and you diet also affects your acne. actually you diet affects just about all of your bodily functions and overall health...

Moonstarmist 0

No one said anything about not doing anything else just because Proactive didn't work.

Pearljammer001 0

and yes I'm aware that says you and not your. my iPod wouldn't let me fix it

skyeyez9 24

If your parents take you to the doctor, you can get acne medication prescribed to you. Its alot stronger than over the counter acne stuff.

#7, I could punch you. I ******* love avatar :D

Pearljammer001 0

@ 55 or that. but you'd be suprised how much your diet does affect these kind of things

ashreiter 0

i was chunky and had a clear face.... i lost weight and now i look like an 'avatar' lol just sayin.... everyone is different.

Olympian94 0

Snick, do me a favor...SHUTUP!!!

Pearljammer001 0

@62 not all diets are for losing weight. my mom has colitis so she can't eat milk, bread, sugar or anything with those things in it. I am also somewhat constrained to the diet (since she doesn't really those foods around anymore) and I don't have any acne problems