By Anonymous - 08/10/2010 18:33 - Canada

Today, my friend asked me how I did on my test. I got an 85%. She asked me what my secret was, and I said "I'm just smart". She replied, "No you're not. How did you pull it off?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 947
You deserved it 6 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An 85? That's not that great. Most people I know get above 95.

If she's impressed by an 85, clearly she's the dumb one.


hghiPigh 0

you got 85 % and consider yourself smart? sad.

don't worry about I do terrible on tests and good on quizzes and I ain't smart

Hah I got a 100% on my World history benchmark... Now that's smart!!! And I did absolutely no studying or no cheating...

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

85... that could be an awesome score... "bragging smart"... possibly... It depends on the class AND the teacher... I took linear algebra in college.. had a 78 based on a curve... that was a FAILING grade... and that class was a bitch and the prof was tough.... I studied my ass off and scored a near perfect final and ended up with a 84... a C-...... so it's subjective.... next time tell her " jam it where the sun doesn't shine or do better at it than me before u open your pie-hole!!"

holymolyconoly 0

WOW I have a friend like that who thinks she's the smartest thing out there and that everyone else is DUMB compared to her. Truth is, she's a whiny bitch whose been spoiled her whole life and has as much common sense as a spoon. Not to mention she's all for the "dumb blonde" look, which is ironic when she makes it out to be that she's so 'smart'. Sorry I ranted for a bit there.....

adorkable_spazz 0

lol why is she still your friend?

she's in my same circle of friends, sigh

an 85 is amazing, and i get called dumb everydaaay

ur friend is mean she thinks ur nt smart and she's asking u how u pulled it off freak her thn

sin gets on my nerves she thinks she knows everything about anything I tell her to SHUT-UP