By Anonymous - 08/10/2010 18:33 - Canada

Today, my friend asked me how I did on my test. I got an 85%. She asked me what my secret was, and I said "I'm just smart". She replied, "No you're not. How did you pull it off?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 947
You deserved it 6 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An 85? That's not that great. Most people I know get above 95.

If she's impressed by an 85, clearly she's the dumb one.


hysterical 1

An 85 isn't a very good grade.

85 is pretty good. Not amazing. I usually score around 73s and stuff. Hell I wish I can get a damn 85.

you should act like a COMPLETE retard when you're with. He'll be sorry... Oh yes...

califormula 0

If you're dumb enough to be proud of 85%, then I guess you're to stupid to recognize sarcasm.

yeah, 85% isn't even that great.. and suck it up, my friends would say something like that to me if I was dumb, that's why I need better friends :/ but it's not the end of the world

If you read post #79 by I_Deserved_It, then you'd know that in Ontario, where the OP is from, 85% is a good mark. Different places have different grading systems. Though I agree with the rest of your post. Some people think they're just kidding when they say something like what the OP's friend said.

MyyLifeeIssFcked 0

Umm so... This isn't really considered an fml to me. She could be kidding and even if she wasn't just suck it up

"I made a deal with the exam Fairies. I get good grades if at the end of the semester I sacrifice one of my friends to their leader. Um, by the way, we need to talk......"

imright24 0

With so many kids today not knowing simple math and spelling, it doesn't surprise me that they think 85 is so smart. YDI.

Read post #79. Not everywhere has the same grading system.

But how can he speak for the OP or his friend in that case? Everyone views different grades differently depending on their ability in the said subject.