By gtfoocd - 27/12/2011 15:20 - United States

Today, my extremely OCD girlfriend wouldn't have sex with me because my bedroom wasn't "properly symmetrical." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 821
You deserved it 7 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully your penis is properly symmetrical.

heythereyouu_fml 4

Well then, make it "properly symmetrical".(:


As unfortunate as you feel that you didn't get to do it, she's far worse off having to try and live with this disorder. Maybe count yourself lucky and try to be more supportive OP?

N8Diggity 1

It's your fault for dating an extremely OCD chick... FYL

Tell her her **** aren't symmetrical either and that she just has to deal with it.

Baytheshark 14

No then she gets a boob job... Hmm, that could be a good Idea...

Are you really using your girlfriend's disorder to try to make us feel bad for you? If she can't even be in a room without it looking a certain way, she has it a lot worse than you, because she won't have sex with you.

The FML is that it's affecting him as well. Little do people know, there are two people in a relationship... |the kid|

You didn't get to have sex because the room wasn't symmetrical,therefore, pick another room, I'm sure there is another room in the house to get frisky in that she won't find fault in. Or, get a Diffrent girlfriend if sex is so important to you , obviously your views don't match up.

Well, it's a serious thing, she can't control it!!

Does she not know that her breasts probably aren't symmetrical?

I'm waiting for a Death the Kid comment... Just accept the fact she has OCD, she is your girlfriend... you are supposed to accept each other's faults.

I was waiting for one too, but unfortunately no one made a joke about it..

NullPointer 20

I used to take no as an answer, then I took an arrow to the knee.