By gtfoocd - 27/12/2011 15:20 - United States

Today, my extremely OCD girlfriend wouldn't have sex with me because my bedroom wasn't "properly symmetrical." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 821
You deserved it 7 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully your penis is properly symmetrical.

heythereyouu_fml 4

Well then, make it "properly symmetrical".(:


Well, it's unfortunate but you should know these things by now.

wow some people are mean ... just because she is ocd, doesn't mean he has to dump her , if he really wants to be with her, he can make his room the way she needs it to be!

Your girlfriend is such a square. |the kid|

That's just a nice way of telling you that she doesn't want sex.

You know she's got OCD... Your own fault then. Gotta give some to get some. It's a two-way street, buddy. You need to work on your communication ;)

fwoodgirl12 0

Hahahahahaha!! I'm sorry but you have to admitt, that's pretty funny lol :P