By fineillpissthebedthen - 07/02/2013 22:56 - Denmark - ?lborg

Today, my downstairs neighbours screamed at me for making so much noise that I woke their children up and made them cry. The noise was the sound of a loose floorboard shifting as I crept to my bathroom, and again on my way back to bed. They've sworn to get me evicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 122
You deserved it 2 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I highly doubt they'll be able to make a good case against you to evict you in front of your landlord (unless they make stuff up). Keep your chin up, don't take shit from shitty neighbours!


Well dang. They probably thought it was something else...

convince them the building is haunted! Creaking floorboards, toilets that flush on their own. Look them straight in the eye and announce" they're back."

perdix 29

Rat them out to the Child Protective Services (or local equivalent) and tell them your neighbors are raising a brood of wussies!

On this episode of "worlds worst tenants!"

Dw op there's not a chance they will get you evicted for something as stupid as that

I have one those below me. I understand your pain.:(

they should calm down. overreaction much. good luck op

chillypalmer 7

I understand kids are important to there parents! But why don't those parents think about other people's necessities!! So selfish :(

redmnky21 8

Nail the screechy area while they aren't home. Works at my house. Stops screeching if u do(: good luck