By fineillpissthebedthen - 07/02/2013 22:56 - Denmark - ?lborg

Today, my downstairs neighbours screamed at me for making so much noise that I woke their children up and made them cry. The noise was the sound of a loose floorboard shifting as I crept to my bathroom, and again on my way back to bed. They've sworn to get me evicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 122
You deserved it 2 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I highly doubt they'll be able to make a good case against you to evict you in front of your landlord (unless they make stuff up). Keep your chin up, don't take shit from shitty neighbours!


STFU, parents! I have two kids who lived in an apartment for three years. My upstairs neighbors also had kids and were INCREDIBLY loud. Did I bitch to my landlord? No. I understood that part of living in an apartment is ambient noise. If they can't take it, they're going to have to move. Also, kids who learn to sleep in a noisy environment are better sleepers altogether.

I had a neighbor in townhouse write up 3 complaints against me for opening and closing my closet and drawers early in the am for work. He retaliated by leaving megadeath blasting while he was out for the day and i swear he slashed my tires but i had no proof. I hate neighbors, moving was my only solution. Good luck!

the kids must have some sensitive hearing to hear that so i think you neighbor is messing with you and sorry for misspelling word i got cussed out last time for misspelling word so sorry

loose floor boards? tell them to read the tell-tale heart by Edgar Allen Poe... ;)

knoxxx 22

Buy them a family sized pack of ear plugs and tell them if it's still a problem, get over it. Literally get over it by moving to a top floor apartment, or a house, or something without upstairs neighbors. But seriously, who lives somewhere with people living above them without expecting to at least hear people walking around?

Have u told the management about the floor? If not then that's your own fault

Don't piss in the bed; the neighbors might feel the need to complain about that as well.

Talk to the landlord first and complain about them - that or just go out with a bang and annoy them properly by learning the tuba :)

Satoaoi 13

yeah good luck with that. you can't Get evicted for something the. building is to cheap to fix. tell em to **** off