By fineillpissthebedthen - 07/02/2013 22:56 - Denmark - ?lborg

Today, my downstairs neighbours screamed at me for making so much noise that I woke their children up and made them cry. The noise was the sound of a loose floorboard shifting as I crept to my bathroom, and again on my way back to bed. They've sworn to get me evicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 122
You deserved it 2 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I highly doubt they'll be able to make a good case against you to evict you in front of your landlord (unless they make stuff up). Keep your chin up, don't take shit from shitty neighbours!


Why do people tend to turn into self righteous assholes as soon as they procreate?

Really, in a contest between a creaky floorboard and screaming babies, I'm pretty sure babies are a lot louder

If you live in a rented accommodation get the landlord to fix the floorboard if its causing trouble.

Clearly you should learn the ways of the ninja, "without a sound."

Ariana386 3

I would have stomped all the way to the bathroom, slammed the door, dropped a bowling ball at 3am (even off it meant borrowing one), n stomped my ass right back up the hall. When they knocked to complain, I wouldn't have answered, but called the cops instead to report some weirdos knocking on ppl's doors waking them up at 3am...

Get a friend in on it so they can give you an alibi, saying you were with them the whole night and no one was home at your place. Your neighbor will look foolish and maybe think twice about calling in a noise complaint for something so trivial. We had a neighbor who was convinced we were having crazy parties all the time (when we were barely ever home), and would call constantly to complain about the noise. I once got a call from my landlord asking why I didn't answer the door when she came over to talk about the noise complaint. When I explained to her that I was in another province, and had been there for almost a week, she never took the crazy old bat's complaints seriously after that.

**** them,tell your landlord that they scream at you in the middle of the night for going to the bath room

OrangeKnife 10

Then YOU scream at the Landlord and tell him to get it fixed.

I'm not taking any sides here but tip toeing upstairs can sound like a bunch of elephants in the apartment below. My upstairs neighbors apparently have no idea how loud they are! Yes, I am the crazy downstairs neighbor - go ahead and dislike this comment