By worker666 - 13/04/2014 14:51 - United States

Today, my coworker tried to convince my boss that I'm not human. Her examples of how I'm influenced by demons included how I don't wear a jacket in the winter, and that I once got a nosebleed from sneezing. My boss thinks she's hilarious and is playing along. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 898
You deserved it 4 246

Same thing different taste


sioux4 17

I must not be human then either.

iAshelle 11
Thatguy334 7
sempisaviour 17

Oh my god... wow. Your boss is ridiculous. FYL, op. On an related note: 6! 6 6! THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST!!

I got a nosebleed from crying at my aunt's funeral. It's quite difficult to cry with a nosebleed.

Well at least he sees the humour in it. What you really should do is fake not being able to enter a church. Preferably in her presence and watch your co worker flip out.

Better yet, ask another coworker to throw a cup of tap water on you, then scream in agony.

Or pretend to get stuck in a Devil's Trap. :)

I also don't wear jackets in winter and can get nosebleeds from sneezing...! It isn't just me!! :D

Get the blood capsules and pop them in your mouth, roll your eyes back, and scream.

vb68_fml 28

Why of course! You had a bloody nose! What other than the result of a Satanic ritual could it have been?!