By Bella - 15/01/2013 18:57 - United States - Sanford

Today, my boyfriend yet again decided to act like Edward Cullen from Twilight, and got his friend to act like Jacob. Every time they're around, my boyfriend always looks stoned and constipated, and his friend is shirtless. I feel like I'm in a shitty romance movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 121
You deserved it 7 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awesomeelliot 11

Still a better love story than Twil....oh wait

theninja1800 11

Twilight is such a terrible movie. Truly. FYL OP for having to endure that in real life.


I love twilight.. So **** off all those haters

Silent_Thrill 17

Look, I may be a man ***** and all but there are too many people who hate Twilight. I don't want to **** all of them off!

Silent_Thrill 17

Would make for an amazing spoof. Though I think it would resemble the real thing too much.

I'm doing my best to keep from dying over here lmao

KaiCer0 8

Choose his shirtless friend. I'm sure then he'll stop

Well in this situation there's only one thing to do. Act like an emotionless teenage girl with the same expression that flips her hair every five seconds c:

ravenevercross 19

Time for a new boyfriend. If you don't like twilight, available.

I would be okay with it if they're both attractive.

When I try to imagine the scene I always end up laughing, that just made my day :D

So your boyfriend's friend is actually your boyfriends's boyfriend. Does that mean you are your boyfriends's friend?