By Anonymous - 10/01/2014 16:12 - United States - Shelbyville

Today, my boyfriend saw a YouTube video of a guy throwing boiling water into the cold air, with the water immediately turning to ice and vapor. He copied it, but only succeeded in dousing himself with boiling water, then making me drive his idiot self to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 308
You deserved it 5 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Didn't he hear the "kids don't try this at home part" lol sorry OP


Axel5238 29

I feel bad for the OP if the bf has a habit of doing dumb stuff like this. OP if this stuff is a regular thing you might want to rethink the relationship. Stuff like this is up there with lighting fire works while drunk. Possible yes, but always a bad idea and yet somehow people are surprised when they get injured.

bullshit I saw this on tv already don't make up the fmls

I actually heard someone on the news who hit them self with boiling water trying to do that(x was it him?(x

I did this many times on Tuesday when it was -23º here in Pennsylvania where I live. So its not about being stupid, its about performing the science experiment correctly. Which requires where you live to be going through a polar vortex. Just sayin.

It has to be cold enough for that to work and it actually does, I did it a couple times at work, it was -15

even if it was cold enough... wouldn't it hurt for ice to come crashing down on his head? Why would he not throw the water away from himself anyway?

My sister and her best friend did that and it worked :) Next time he should read and p.s. that idiot is ur boyfriend by choice so....

Stupid human tricks aren't only on David Letterman it seems :(