By WoofWoof - 07/12/2009 18:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of six months called me. He said his mom was making him choose between having a dog or having a girlfriend. I asked him which one he picked. He went quiet, and I heard barking in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 146
You deserved it 5 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FYFL! Mmm there is always the whole **** what u say mom thing and everything kan still be fine! Less of kourse u hav/had a douchebag boyfriend idk but FYL sorreh

Get a pet cat w/ a HUGE ego... and claws. Those certain guys can wound dogs. MAKE HIM REGRET IT ALL!!! If he gets another cat, get a rat that will nip 'i'm from inside a cage :D

Um, obviously the dude just wanted to break up with her and he was using a lame excuse like it's you or the dog. really.

Or he used her to piss off her mom so she'd bribe him with a dog to dump her... You got played, OP.

babylon_pride 0

Yeah, I'd choose the same thing. Sorry but a person of six months who might bitch, expect things, etc that you've known for half a year and who might not work out in the end? Or a dog you've probably had for years, who is always happy to see you, and who wants nothing more than a walk or two.

lol He is a loser if he's actually listening to his about that

When I first read this I was like awww poor OP, but than after reading #46 comment. He/she(on my iPhone) was totally right. A dog will be there more than a girl or guy.

Fake, this is a reversed copy of an older FML which was already dubious to begin with.

Girlfriend vs Best Friend Yup, he's got his priorities right.

wingedtoad 0

When you have a pet, it is basically like taking responsibility for a child. If the dog were a preexisting pet, I would have chosen the dog too. But if his mom offered him a new puppy for dumping his girlfriend, then, FYL.