By itsnotyouitsher - 09/03/2013 06:16 - Australia - Wahroonga

Today, my boyfriend left me for a girl I know. She was the girl my last boyfriend left me for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 878
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you see her, ask if she's enjoying your leftovers.

Was she the only one to care enough to console you, like last time?


its time to hang out with other people

gregkingsley 4

Take her on springer and pull some hair.

She's trying yo torment ur life.. Try and snatch one of her best friends and ask her how it feels to be ditched. Show her wat karma is!

This girl apparently sucks at having a bf. You should have warned your bf...or warn your next bf Op. I am sure she will eventually get some kind of disease or just odd looks from sleeping with everyone whether they are taken or not.

OP probably has morality and virtue...the other girl probably ***** the brains out of all the guys she dates without hesitation.

karpoi 11

I've been "that" girl; although, not intentionally since I didn't know they were a thing. So don't just assume that other girl is a bitch or a "man eater." When I found out that he left another girl for me, I felt terrible and sorry for her.

Bubbelz 25

69 Way to jump to conclusions. Inb4 lame "69" jokes.

That's the way to train them. For her

blah2112 11

You need to look for guys somewhere other than where you're looking...