By itsnotyouitsher - 09/03/2013 06:16 - Australia - Wahroonga

Today, my boyfriend left me for a girl I know. She was the girl my last boyfriend left me for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 878
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you see her, ask if she's enjoying your leftovers.

Was she the only one to care enough to console you, like last time?


I don't know about you but that's a good thing, they always taught me to give my toys to the less fortunate..

pom3440 22

same happened to me... But then I remembered that I was always taught to give my used toys to the less fortunate.

Be gracious! Remember that our parents taught us, to be nice and give our used toys to the less fortunate.

Actually I think u should keep this girl around. Make her your friend. U see u really have to test your men sometimes so if this has happened to you twice now, you should start paying attention. What does she have that you don't. Just don't go out too far of your comfort zone. Don't change to much.