By itsnotyouitsher - 09/03/2013 06:16 - Australia - Wahroonga

Today, my boyfriend left me for a girl I know. She was the girl my last boyfriend left me for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 878
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you see her, ask if she's enjoying your leftovers.

Was she the only one to care enough to console you, like last time?


I've had this happen as well. Just ignore it. And hope you'll find a guy that isn't a complete ass wipe.

I suggest you hunt her down so the next boyfriend you have can't leave you for her. She's probably just jealous op.

I know the feeling!!! There's a girl who has dated my secret crush, my ex boyfriend and my boyfriend now (we broke up for a week and they date thank god they never did anything). Makes me wonder why they always go for her...I think I'm prettier than she is but that's just me...

Way to Taylor Swift the situation (like with Camilla Belle). Maybe the other girl is more outgoing, nice to parents, smart, ambitious, etc. Hell, maybe she IS great at ******* too. Maybe this girl didn't even approach the guys and they approached her first. It's bad to just assume that the guys left OP cause this other girl is a good **** unless it's stated in the FML. All we know is that OP is lacking something this girl has going for her, so her boyfriends left her.

tjolivas 9

This has happened to me three times in a row before, I feel for you :/ that's what I get for having pretty friends and a forgiving demeanor. I hope it wasn't a friend of your's.

yaoifreak 8

she's watching and waiting until one day she attacks !!!!!

Let her chase you around and pick up your leftovers. If a man will leave you for some random *****, he wasn't worth your time in the first place.

Be glad you aren't with them. It takes a man to say no, boys can't do that. One day, OP, you'll laugh when she does it however many times to you again when she gets an std or herpes or they do, and you don't.

Apparently you pick some good "D" since the same person stole from you twice!

At least he showed you his true colors.