By poor baby - 12/06/2015 16:51 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend forgot to pick our son up from daycare. His excuse? Fighting in a battle in World of Warcraft was far more important and he had to stay absolutely focused. Our son had to wait for two hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 087
You deserved it 5 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He needs to grow up and get his act together. he's a father!

My mom (who I no longer see thank god) forgot my sister and me at elementary school for 3 hours one day and it was one of scariest times of my life. Luckily my dad saw us waiting outside while driving by (my parents are divorced) and picked us up and took us to his house.. Thankfully he was at daycare and not just waiting outside. Sorry to hear about this! So sad. Kids are always #1 priority!


This dude needs to get his priority's in cheak! Not kool!

Not sure why nearly 5k people feel you deserve this. It's not like people screen their partners prior to conceiving children and think to ask, "would you ever leave our child at a daycare center to play your video game?" We just assume that our partners are more mature and responsible than that, and it's a valid and legitimate assumption to have. I would, however, give him a firm warning and stern talking to about placing his video game above his paternal responsibilities and let him know that if this happens again he will be thrown out without hesitation.

i'd say don't breed, but it's too late for that. so at least teach your kid about contraceptives!